wirHub Explainer Video for wirDesign

Everything about the brand – always and everywhere available.

“WirHub is a brand management system in which all knowledge, data and information about a brand can be collected. In addition, it offers intelligent tools that help designers and marketing managers to manage and create communication media.

That means: wirHub is the brand's digital home from which all activities can be centrally controlled and distributed worldwide. "(Source: pressebox.de)

In this explainer video, Kaiserbrand was solely responsible for motion design. WirDesign provided us with the awesome illustration (that we perfectly prepared for animation) and storyboard.

Project URL:

Social Cut for Instagram

We also made a so-called SOCIAL CUT of the explainer video (originally 16: 9 Full HD). This is a short cut of the animation into a more smartphone-friendly format. In this case a 4: 5 portrait format for an optimal screen display on Instagram.

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