Exam Anxiety – Löwenzahn Erklärfilm

Exam anxiety – who doesn't know it?

Everyone knows that: you've studied, but on class test day you seem to have forgotten everything! The only thing that helps: keep calm - then the knowledge comes back all by itself.

And sometimes a little different from what you think 😉

For the Löwenzahn episode "Stage Fright - The Powerful Band" Kaiserbrand contributed two explainer videos. The second animation is about exam anxiety and how to better deal with stress.

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to upload the videos we animated for the Löwenzahn episodes to YouTube. So we converted a few small scenes as GIFs so you can get a tiny glimpse of our animation.

Project URL:

Design Process

And this is what the designs and layouts look like at Kaiserbrand. To save time, they are still a bit rough, but you can get a good idea of how the final style of the animation will look like. These are sent to the client for approval. Or for changes to be made. Or even more changes 😆


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