Brutal rebranding against Corona Blues! Hussah!

In the first lockdown, we were anything but bored. The lockdown fell precisely on our change of shareholders. We had so many organizational details to clarify – new company contract, new lease, new bank (YEAH !! Finally a business account with the GLS Bank!) and in addition to all that my name changed due to my wedding – the prescribed home office was almost a relief. 😅

Then we had to adapt to the new global situation. Almost all animation projects were put on hold or even canceled completely. So we made a virtue out of necessity and adjusted our range of services: More small projects for customers with a low budget. Now we are masters in creating GIF animations and have discovered the world of LottieFiles! 😍😍

In the second lockdown we maintained our efficient routine and finally had time for a long overdue giant project:

The total rebranding of Kaiserbrand!

True to the motto "Kaiserbrand is dead, long live Kaiserbrand!" New logo, new colors, new fonts, new GDPR-compliant website, new showreel!

We hope you enjoy it!

PS: The project archive is still a bit sparsely populated, we will fill it up gradually. At the moment, there are only projects from 2018/19 and very little from 2020.

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