Game design for Löwenzahn “The Enchanted Doll”

The Goblin Necromancer

For the Löwenzahn episode “The Enchanted Doll” we designed a (fake) computer game, which is played by Fritz and Jakob on a smartphone during this episode. For the close ups we've animated a start screen and two short game runs: Siegfried the crusader wanders through a labyrinth to defeat the evil goblin necromancer. If he doesn't make it in time: GAME OVER!

By the way - our goblin necromancer was also recreated as a real rubber mask worn by one of the actors for a scare prank 😱 😱

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to upload the videos we animated for the Löwenzahn episodes to YouTube. So we converted a few small scenes as GIFs so you can get a tiny glimpse of our animation.

Project URL:

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